What happens when you don’t give up?

Omorfia - Woody Point, Redcliffe QLD

Hi readers,

It’s been a tough few months for everyone.

I don’t know about you, but there were moments I asked myself how far COVID-19 was going to effect me, whether I could grasp the concept of ISO requirements, whether it would destroy our

Exact Services Co business before it’s official 5th birthday (April 2020), the businesses of our loyal customers and friends in business, whether our employees and their families would be okay, how to make it through tough financial positions, whether we were mentally prepared or able to adapt to survival mode.

Omorfia - Woody Point, Redcliffe QLD
Malia Adamson, Director of Exact Services Co with Krystal Boubaris, Director of Omorfia Hair & Beauty at their opening seaside soiree, February 16th 2020. Shop 6, Point Plaza, 14 Oxley Avenue,
Woody Point, Q, 4019.

With the adjustments implemented we feel relieved to know that May 2020 has brought some relief with restrictions slowly lifting. We have had to take precautions coming to work as essential workers, dealt with businesses calling us around the clock with no boundaries to ensure they were cleaned top to bottom for essential business operations and assessing whether we could maintain our stock of chemicals and supplies to meet the demand and responsibility placed on us to clean premises. I recall the overtime shifts, lack of sleep, empty stock, business owners calling and texting me as we leaned on one another and being reached out to by customers who needed support and someone to talk to at non-ordinary hours of the night. It felt right to do good by one another when it counted the most. I appreciate everyone who contacted us to see if we were okay and offered our team work.

Our company #exactservicesco proved that we are able to handle the crisis and step up to the plate when customers needed us and honestly, we needed them too. As a business owner I will never forget the Sunday evening one of our employees contacted us and told us to turn on the news. We watched the broadcast advising that gyms, pubs, clubs, restaurants were all being force closed the following day at mid-day Monday 23rd March 2020.  We had employees starting their last Night shifts because of the announcement and starting within hours for the last clean in a long time. (Now if that date is incorrect, it is because I don’t want to double check and keeping up with the date and day of the week is another thing that we find ourselves second guessing lately.)

Being the 22nd May 2020 as I type this up. I want to spread the reminder that we are always willing to do our best to help others. That is in our core beliefs and it shines through us into our cleaning services and giving back where we can. The best part about being cleaning professionals that care about others, is that we do get to watch the results of our hard work transform spaces, provide relief through our skills and create lasting relationships (majority of our customers have been with us for 7 years). I hope you are and keep well.

Kind regards, Malia Adamson.

4 easy tips to make your clean cheaper, save time and start fresh!

File under: Life changing tips and articles

1. Ensure your premise is completely empty before we arrive. It sounds like a no-brainer but you would be surprised how busy you get when you have a million things to do whilst trying to move from one premise to another. We know how busy you are! Otherwise, you wouldn’t have contacted us for a free quote. We know our clients needs and can take care of the cleaning and final presentation of an empty premise for you fast if you can

2. How can I make this move even easier for myself and start fresh? Start to de-clutter today. Sell things you don’t need on Gumtree or Facebook garage pages. If you haven’t used it in the last year and have gone four seasons without wearing it- trust me, you don’t need it. No more excuses for gathering piles of things in your garage where your car should be, placing items in-front of one another on shelves so that you forget you even own it meanwhile it gathers dust and takes up space. Sell it all or throw it all out! Don’t wait, do it now! Create some free space for your future goals and needs. If you normally rent and you still have boxes of things that you haven’t opened since the last move, don’t open the box to sort through it- toss it. You’ve already done yourself a favour and you know you will never need those empty spare photo frames, you don’t need two of the exact same serving dish and you definitely don’t need to keep boxes of 6×4 photos- scan them and save them in the cloud. This is a great way to happily move forward. You will feel lighter, fresher and ready to take on your next

3. Organise your time, learn to have professionals take care of things for you. Everyone needs more time for themselves to do things that are more important than the tasks we give ourselves to “save money”. A wise entrepreneur once said to me “Once you’ve spent your money, you can always make it back but once you’ve spent your time, it’s gone forever.” It is not effective to try and play a baseball game alone. You cannot pitch the ball, run over to pick up the bat and hit the ball to then sprint to outer field to catch yourself out!? It’s exhausting just typing the scenario. Create yourself more time! We all get caught up spending our free time and weekends cleaning, mowing lawns, weeding, ironing, meat shopping, fruit and veggie shopping, everyday product shopping, organizing our receipts, record keeping for tax the list goes on. All of these things can be outsourced so that you can wake up Saturday morning and go for a surf, lay in the sun for as long as you desire and enjoy being anywhere else! Yes, it costs money. But, it also provides jobs for our communities and keeps other families going. It gives you time to play your guitar that sits in the cupboard, create that artwork you want to display in your home, wear that outfit you still haven’t had a chance to show off and build the dreams you want to achieve this year.

4. Keep a record of when you complete maintenance on your premise. This will minimise the cost of professional services by keeping on top of your premises status (or pay someone else to keep on top of this.) For example, when was the last time you rotated your tyres? To prevent you having to replace them early which costs hundreds of dollars. Keep a record. In this day and age we are used to filling our schedules with tasks, jobs, prepping meals, family, study, exercise and if we’re lucky sleeping. If you want to cut down on expenses and save money on your budget, become good at keeping records (or pay someone else to.) As cleaners we are trained professionals at cleaning your premise but if your premise has never been professionally cleaned in the last 12 months, the standard of cleanliness can begin harder for us to achieve in a reasonable time frame. Have a professional cleaner take care of your premise weekly or at least monthly. The more often you have a professional cleaner take care of your premise the less money you will spend on an exit clean. Be careful in choosing the right service provider, don’t hire anybody with a heartbeat to provide a professional service and expect an immaculate result. You get what you pay for.

Written by Malia Adamson.

Co Founder & Managing Partner, Exact Services Company 31/10/2015